M&J Chickens, in keeping with our commitment to providing the very best range of poultry products in Australia and beyond, have an extensive range of certifications and accreditations. These are proof that our processes and technology comply with the very latest and most stringent food production standards and protocols. We are also a fully registered HALAL producer.

M&J Chickens is subject to reporting under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth). Under that Act, M&J Chickens prepares an annual Modern Slavery Statement which provides a description of its structure, operations and supply chains, potential modern slavery risks in its operations and supply chains, the actions it takes to assess and address those risks, and the ways in which it assesses the effectiveness of those actions. You may access a copy of M&J Chickens’ FY21 Modern Slavery Statement at https://modernslaveryregister.gov.au/statements/7678/

Our Certifications include:

Modern Day Slavery Compliant | Halal Certification ISO | SGS | GMP Approved | HACCP Approved HACCP and ISO 9001 with SGS | HALAL with AFIC Two Export Registered Establishment